
Psychosocial Support for Humanitarian Workers

This is an ongoing series designed for humanitarian aid workers who want to enhance their skills for self care and community care.

June 04, 2020 10:30 am


This week we will continue to explore Psychological First Aid, as a technique to promote wellness and communal agency. Based on a model of collaboration, we will explore how to be with someone in crisis. This is a valuable skill that everyone can learn and practice in an emergency situation and in everyday life.

We, at Focusing Initiatives International, believe that each of us is intimately connected to our community and that our own wellness is reflected in and responds to the wellness of the community as a whole. That is what psychosocial support (PSS) is all about–the healing of the individual and their community–by enhancing wellness skill sets for both. This course is specifically designed to help PSS workers in INGOs NGOs and CBOs facilitate healing, positive change and peace in communities in distress.

Remember to register each week to access the new Zoom link.

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