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    Fulfilling our blueprint:

    January 21, 2021

    Befriending our creative potential that is buried in our golden shadow Many of us have heard of the shadow – a term coined by the psychoanalyst Carl Jung to describe those aspects of ourselves that are disowned. Generally speaking, people tend to immediately relate to their shadow as being dark […]

      R0 (R-naught) for Community wellness

      November 15, 2020
      by pat

      When the public health people talk about a disease and how it spreads they use the concept of the R0  (R-naught). The term refers to the rate of spread of the virus and is usually shown as a diagram of how many people are infected by a single person. R1 […]

        The Best Two Hugs

        October 6, 2020
        by Anna Willman

        I’m old and single and live alone in an apartment not far from my son’s place of work.  He stops by after work and sometimes during his lunch hour.  He brings groceries and pharmaceuticals and toilet paper and my mail.  Then we sit about twelve feet apart and wear masks […]

          I took last week off

          September 20, 2020
          by Pat Omidian

          2020 is the year of Covid-19 and whatever else the planet wants to throw our way. Even during all the self-isolation, social bubble creating and worries about what one can do to stay safe from the disease, we all have to deal with Mother Earth. She seems pretty upset with […]

            Dear Corona Virus

            August 29, 2020
            by Ocen Daniel Osako

            Dear Corona VirusThe killer of JoyYou have taken livesAnd instilled fear into peopleCorona Virus , give us a break now. Dear Corona VirusYou have changed livesPeople have lost jobsKids are hungryFamily have lost their loved onesDon’t you think its about timeYou pack your things and left us Dear Corona VirusLife […]

              Lessons from the virus #3

              August 21, 2020
              by Anna Willman

              Paradoxes abound: Three lives in conditions of isolation uncover paradoxes.  Three women – none of us young – living in different spaces: a small town apartment.  a city condo, a country home. We all feel the importance of our physical space to our internal well-being.  Lives interrupted in mid-stride.  Slowing […]

                Is Depression a mental disorder? Or is it a healthy response to now?

                August 18, 2020

                On the BBC lunchtime news there was an item of how in a survey of 3,500 adults in the UK almost 1 in 5 people reported experiencing depressive symptoms now compared to 1 in 10 pre-pandemic.  Interestingly the new item continued: “Prof Elaine Fox at the University of Oxford, said: […]

                What Might We Learn From a Teacher in Pakistan?

                August 9, 2020
                by Anna Willman

                LESSONS FROM THE VIRUS #2 How can one teacher in Pakistan conduct language and philosophy lessons for 70 students, all at different levels of learning?  And, what might we learn from that? We were talking about education, coming out of the pandemic. I ventured to suggest that one good result […]

                What do a landfill in Pakistan and a potato packing plant in Idaho have in common?

                August 6, 2020
                by Anna Willman , Syed Wajid

                Lessons from the Virus #1 Cross-cultural conversations on a global platform highlight not only different perspectives, but also common themes. One theme that has come up in our Building Toward a Better World conversations has been an awareness that bigger is not always better. Large bureaucracies, whether private corporations or […]

                  How to deal with COVID-19 stress

                  August 3, 2020
                  by Akira Ikemi

                  Akira Ikemi, Ph.D., Clinical Psychologist and Professor of Kansai University, Graduate School of Psychology, presents several points which are key to dealing with the stresses of living in the COVID-19 world. If you internalize the stress, you can get depressed, angry or sad and your mental health will become unstable. […]

                  The day the music died

                  July 23, 2020

                  Don McLean’s immortal words echo inside me today: “Something touched me deep inside, The day the music died”.  This week I returned to my church – the first service there in 18 weeks. I knew it would be different. I knew it was liturgy with sanitising regularly! All of us […]


                  July 20, 2020
                  by Syed Wajid

                  I am sitting in the center of the room on a rickety old chair, with my feet on an equally rickety table. Trying to comfort myself, but at the same time resisting to move. I’m afraid of falling and also afraid if these supports get damaged. How am I going […]

                  Lockdown through 3 year old eyes….

                  July 13, 2020

                  Today I was finally able to physically meet up with my 3 year old (minus one day!) grandson. My husband, aka Gramps, and I drove over to near Oxford to see my younger daughter, her husband and Ethan my grandson.  Until today, throughout lockdown my contact with him has been […]

                  How are you?

                  July 9, 2020
                  by Pat Omidian

                  I don’t know how to answer this.  Where do I start to even answer this question? How much time do we have? How well do I know you so that I can gauge how much to tell you? Maybe you are asking after my health. I can say: I am fine. […]

                  How to cultivate safeness in uncertain times: a postscript…

                  July 6, 2020

                  I was asked to provide some suggestions of book to read that might provide further information on what is now often called relational neurobiology or interpersonal neurobiology (IPNB).  The books listed below having one * are easy to read and accessible. Those with ** are more heavy-weight.  Daniel Siegel Mindsight […]

                    Masks and Mass Graves

                    July 4, 2020
                    by Jennifer Joy

                    I’m a New Yorker and I want to talk about the frustration many in our country feel about masks and “stay-at-home” orders. First – I get it. I’m restless too. I’m lonely. I hate staying at home. I want to be out – going to plays and the gym and […]

                      BUILDING TOWARD A BETTER WORLD

                      June 28, 2020
                      by Anna Willman

                      A few weeks ago a group of CoronaPlaza volunteers and staff got a bit sidetracked from tasks at hand into a vigorous discussion about the “new norm” expected to emerge from the Covid-19 pandemic: What it was likely to look like, what we wanted it to look like, what we […]

                        Out of the mouths of babes…

                        June 23, 2020

                        The one person I have come across, in this whole Covid-lockdown thing, who really seems to nail what exactly is wrong for us all is my 4 year old grand-daughter Meg. I finally got to see her a couple of weeks ago as the English government then “unlocked” us to […]

                          Time for a haircut?

                          May 12, 2020
                          by Pat Omidian

                          So! It’s been a couple of months since I got to walk into my favorite hair salon and get a cut from one of the few people on the planet capable of giving my thick and straight as a board hair the cut that works. With any other person, I […]

                            LIFE HAS CHANGED FOREVER

                            May 10, 2020

                            And that may be a good thing Life has paused, the world has stood still, it has frozen with fear, we have frozen with fear, with the presence of the Coronavirus.  Its power so profound. It has such power to take life. And how it has taken so many lives […]

                              How are all y’all doin?

                              April 19, 2020
                              by Pat Omidian

                              I read the news and worry. So many people are tired of being told to stay home. Even TV pundits are speaking out, wondering if we need to stay isolated. People are shown in the streets–claiming their “constitutional rights.”  This reaction is no surprise.  The analogy for me is the […]

                                New ways to connect

                                April 10, 2020
                                by Pat Omidian

                                Somehow, in spite of the distance between us and the glitches in the technology, I feel like I am connected to people I am meeting around the world. As I do each webinar, as a facilitator or as a participant, I feel like I am grounded in the present and […]

                                Let’s dance

                                April 8, 2020
                                by Martin Vremec

                                After 21 hours straight of coding, lets dance. finally ready to take off and to dance while taking off. 😉 We are now starting to get in touch with all the people (many! Thank You!) who have sent us the “Work With Us” form. So expect to hear from […]

                                About ZOOM

                                April 7, 2020
                                by Martin Vremec

                                As you may have heard, the Zoom platform is taking some heat in the mainstream media lately. You can read more about “what they say” here: Of course the Zoom’s company is in full damage control, as you can see at their blog. So, let me share a […]

                                Sunday: what’s new

                                April 5, 2020
                                by Martin Vremec

                                We’ve published a new version of the website that fixes some issues and makes the life a little bit easier for everybody who is using it. 😉 Under normal circumstances, a website such as this would require months of planning and development. We launched it in a little bit more […]

                                  Wellcome to

                                  April 1, 2020
                                  by Martin Vremec

                                  Today is the first day of April. April’s Fool. And the launch of CoronaPlaza.Life. The Fool is a very ancient Archetype (“archetype” comes from ancient Greek “arché” that means “principle”, “basic entity” and “typos” that means “a model”, “a form/shape”) and from this Archetype comes the Joker card. A card that […]
