Wholebody Focusing Community Gathering

Heartfelt Connection and Conversation

April 13, 2024 3:00 pm


Duration: 90 minutes

Host/Presenter:  Kevin McEvenue , Rafael Villeta

Many people enjoy some kind of partnerships, including Focusing Partnerships. Today we would like to demonstrate a simple way to make such partnerships more mutual and perhaps more satisfying.

Kevin and Rafa will demonstrate how we explore heartfelt connection with one another… felt sense to sense … “How the life in me touches the life in you… and how the life in you touches the life in me.” And then you will have an opportunity to play with this kind of listening partnering in a breakout room and see what comes.This is how it works for us:We first begin to take the time to ground ourselves and see what is there, what wants to be noticed.

Next we check who would like to start first. The other person just listens until  a piece of the story feels complete for now: a kind of pause that comes naturally, and perhaps with a sense of curiosity of how all that touches the listener.

Now we switch rolls so the new listener invites the new focuser to check in and see what has come from them and then express it in a symbolic way.

In this way the process  of listening and sensing moves forward switching rolls, going back and forth. It is a simple and yet rich and unexpected way to facilitate a process that takes on with a life of its own.

We are opening a creativity that would not be possible unless this heartfelt connection is present. Something bigger than us can offer possibilities that seemed impossible before. A power beyond our control opens the door to possibilities beyond our expectations and even beyond this “back and forth” structure described in this text. We hope you enjoy it like we do.

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