Sitting with Anna

Come join us, old friend! Take a seat and just hang out with us for a little while.

August 25, 2021 10:30 pm


Duration: 30 minutes

Host/Presenter:  Anna Willman

Imagine that we are a group of old friends just sitting together on the front porch.  There are a couple of rocking chairs, maybe a porch swing.  We’ve been friends forever and can just sit there keeping one another company in silence without feeling uncomfortable.   And we also feel comfortable saying anything we feel like saying because we know each other so well, no one will be surprised at what we say and no one will judge us.

It’s near the end of our day – or maybe the middle of the night, or early morning, depending what time zone you are in – and we don’t have to go anywhere or do anything for the next half hour, so we’re just sitting here.  Quiet or talking or thinking or not thinking.  Just keeping company.

Come join us, old friend! Take a seat and just hang out with us for a little while.

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