Going Gently

Exploring the richness of living towards the end

April 16, 2022 3:00 pm


Duration: 90 minutes

Host/Presenter:  Anna Willman

We all of us are aging – really just another word for living, gathering new experiences, accumulating wisdom and scars, growing and changing, and then after a while, wearing out our various body parts.  I have found that as my end point gets nearer, I experience this aging process differently.  More aware of it, feeling each moment as precious, something to be savored, an invitation to go ever deeper.

I’d like to explore this new richness of living towards the end.  The inherent comedy of changing bodies, the letting go of one thing after another, the anticipation of loss, the appreciation of the now, the mystery of the unknowable.  

The inevitability, the inescapable reality, the both dreadful and exhilarating certainty that our lives will actually, really truly end.

Death is, after all, a once in a lifetime experience.  I want to get all that I can out of it, as there is no chance for a “do-over”.   No mulligans allowed.

Join me, Anna Willman, for a monthly conversation on the third Saturday of each month.  Let’s share and learn from each other how we are all navigating this last passage. Speaking directly from our felt senses.  Listening to each other with our whole bodies.

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    2 reviews on “Going Gently
  • by: conscioustouch

    Hello! I logged on a bit late (it’s a holiday here so forgot about the webinar until it was about 40 minutes after the start time.)
    However, I found nobody in the zoom room. Thinking that perhaps the participants were all in breakout groups I waited for abut 35 minutes but no one came on. Was the workshop re-scheduled? I’d signed up but didn’t receive the promised email an hour before the start time with the zoom link as is usually sent. Was really looking forward to this so am disappointed. Thanks for letting me know what might have happened. Ruth

      • by: Hunter Keller

        Hi there Ruth, Hunter here. Thanks for reaching out. I’ll need to get in touch with the host, Anna, to know exactly what happened. However, it looks like there were not many people registered. Anna may have signed off by the time you showed up, if nobody else came.

        What I might recommend is stopping by Anna’s “Saturday Listening Space” and chatting with her directly about how the “Going Gently” meeting is going, and what to expect for May. I’m sure she’s be happy to have a conversation with you about things you would have talked about at Going Gently, too.

        If you have any further questions, my email is hunter@focusinginternational.org – feel free to reach out!
