
Awareness Through Movement® (Wednesdays)

“It is easier to tell differences when the effort is light” –– Moshé Feldenkrais

December 09, 2020 7:00 pm


“It is easier to tell differences when the effort is light” ~ Nov & Dec 2020 Feldenkrais® at Corona Plaza Life

We develop Feldenkrais® lessons for each person who arrives in our class. We practice just a little, then give time for resting with the changes to absorb and integrate the learning.


Our theme for the months of November and December 2020 :

“It is easier to tell differences when the effort is light”Quoting Moshé Feldenkrais: “6. It is easier to tell differences when the effort is light All our senses are so built that we can distinguish minute differences when our senses are only slightly stimulated. If I were to carry a heavy load (say a refrigerator) on my back, I could not tell if a box of matches were added to the load, nor would I become aware of it being removed. What is, in fact, the weight that must be added or removed to make one aware that some change of effort has occurred? For muscular efforts or our kinaesthetic sense, that weight is about one-fortieth (1/40) of the basic effort for very good nervous systems. On carrying 400 pounds, we can tell at once when 10 pounds are added or removed from the load. On carrying 40 pounds, we can tell a change of one pound. And everybody can tell with closed eyes when a fly alights on a thin match-like piece of wood or straw, or when it takes to the air again. In short, the smaller the exertion, the finer the increment or decrement that we can distinguish and, also, the finer our differentiation (that is, the mobilization of our muscles in consequence of our sensations). The lighter the effort we make, the faster is our learning of any skill; and the level of perfection we can attain goes hand in hand with the finesse we obtain. We stop improving when we sense no difference in the effort made or in the movement.”
–– Learn to Learn by Moshe Feldenkrais (numbering by KH) https://thinkinginmovement.ca/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/Learn-to-Learn-MF-numbering-by-KH-Legal-8p..pdf

“6. Es más fácil notar las diferencias cuando el esfuerzo es ligero.Todos nuestros sentidos están construidos de tal manera que podemos distinguir diferencias mínimas cuando nuestros sentidos solo se estimulan ligeramente. Si tuviera que llevar una carga pesada (digamos un refrigerador) en mi espalda, no sabría si una caja de fósforos fue agregada a la carga, ni me percataría de que la quitaron. ¿Cuál es, de hecho, el peso que se debe agregar o quitar para que uno se dé cuenta de que algún cambio de esfuerzo ha ocurrido? Para los esfuerzos musculares o nuestro sentido cinestésico, ese peso es aproximadamente una cuadragésima parte (1/40) del esfuerzo básico para un sistema nervioso muy bueno. Al transportar 400 libras, podemos saber inmediatamente cuándo se agregan o quitan 10 libras de la carga. Al cargar 40 libras, podemos notar un cambio de una libra. Y todo el mundo puede saber con los ojos cerrados cuando una mosca se posa sobre un una cerilla o pajita, o cuando vuelve a volar.En definitiva, cuanto menor es el esfuerzo, más fino es el incremento o decremento que podemos distinguir y, además, más fina nuestra diferenciación (es decir, la movilización de nuestros músculos como consecuencia de nuestras sensaciones). Cuanto menor sea el esfuerzo que hagamos, más rápido será nuestro aprendizaje de cualquier habilidad; y el nivel de perfección que podemos alcanzar va de la mano con la finura que obtenemos. Dejamos de mejorar cuando no sentimos diferencia en el esfuerzo realizado o en el movimiento.” (translation by Alfo Humano, Focusing trainer, Cordoba, Argentina www.alfohumano.com.ar)
–– Aprende a aprender de Moshé Feldenkrais https://thinkinginmovement.ca/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/Aprende-a-aprender-de-Moshe%CC%81-Feldenkrais.pdf

We may begin the lesson with circular movements, heart circles, sensing our balance. Each person becomes aware of how her or his body settles, a variation of the movement emerges for each individual and for the group. As the lesson continues we discover more room for comfort, find interesting variations, and a pattern develops.


“I find the minimal movements during the lessons evoke meaningful learning. I am more aware of that moment when my system is clear and open. I experience an instantaneous felt-sense of curiosity. I can breathe more freely and see that situations are progressing, so I find a more positive view of life. I am more and more aware of my learning as I continue the lessons with Katarina and Thinking in Movement teachers at Corona Plaza Life. I am supported in translating the lessons into a rhythm for myself. Thus I find ways to be conscientious – I find the best place for my energy and endeavours to land each day, each week, and for each project.”
–– Alfo Humano, Focusing trainer, Cordoba, Argentina www.alfohumano.com.ar

“These Feldenkrais classes have really helped me get in touch with my body, learn what it needs, how to calm my nervous system, and to ignite my innate energy. Thank you so much for all the presence, attention, and teaching you have done. I really appreciate it.”
–– Laurie Brill, New Mexico

Monday Weekly @ 11am Pacific: Rachel Rudansky photograph of a Suzani Textile from Uzbekistan which Rachel Rudansky owns.
The other photos are of paintings and carvings from the collection of Katarina Halm Thinking in Movement.

Weekly Feldenkrais® Awareness Through Movement®
* Mondays 11:00 am Pacific *45 min Weekly
* Tuesdays 7 am Pacific *45 min Weekly Lessons in Spanish (some English translation)
* Wednesdays 11:30 am Pacific *45 min Weekly
* Sundays 7 am Pacific *45 min Weekly
Monthly Focusing ~ Feldenkrais® ~ Dancing 1st Thursdays at 7am Pacific time

Feldenkrais® Awareness Through Movement®

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