
Awareness Through Movement®

Theme: Self Image (Moshé Feldenkrais) ~ Body Image ~ Body Schema ~ PolyVagal Theory

August 01, 2021 4:00 am


Self Image, a concept included in the teaching of Moshé Feldenkrais, will be developed through the movement lessons and in light of current scholarship in Body Image ~ Body Schema ~ PolyVagal Theory 

~ Adapting to social distancing

~ Developing relational intricacies
~ Resources for communications
Reference pages:
Questions/suggestions:  https://thinkinginmovement.ca/contact/
Appreciation for Feldenkrais® Awareness Through Movement® at Corona Plaza Life: “I find the minimal movements during the lessons evoke meaningful learning.  I am more aware of that moment when my system is clear and open. I experience an instantaneous felt-sense of curiosity.  I can breathe more freely and see that situations are progressing, so I find a more positive view of life.  I am more and more aware of my learning as I continue the lessons with Katarina and Thinking in Movement teachers at Corona Plaza Life.   I am supported in translating the lessons into a rhythm for myself. Thus I find ways to be conscientious – I find the best place for my energy and endeavours to land each day, each week, and for each project.” –– Alfo Humano, Focusing trainer, Cordoba, Argentina  [www.alfohumano.com.ar](http://www.alfohumano.com.ar/)
“These Feldenkrais classes have really helped  me get in touch with my body, learn what it needs, how to calm my nervous system, and to ignite my innate energy.  Thank you so much for all the presence, attention, and teaching you have done.  I really appreciate it.” –– Laurie Brill, New Mexico
Response to a question about the interactive nature of the classes:
Any and each of our classes are interactive, beautifully so.
We begin with a movement exploration, for example:
sometimes circular movements, heart circles, sensing our balance,
and very soon each person senses into where her or his body settles,
what is needed, how a pattern develops.
Everyone in the class has time to experience
the uniqueness of each person’s movement patterns and expression.
Thereby the wholeness of our circle grows.
We include ~ Time to Dance ~
How can we bring Feldenkrais®, Focusing and Dance together?
We continue monthly on the first Saturday at 9am Pacific.
“Perhaps simply step out and trust ourselves to be moved by an inner music.
What will allow us to step into space and share with each other from our felt sense in the way of a dance is something we will discover together.
We begin with an invitation to be in stillness. Slowly we move into movement sharing gestures with each other.
We develop how to share from our felt sense, offering a gesture with perhaps the support of a word or phrase, and pause.
We see what comes for us, as one by one people respond with a gesture from their felt sense. In time we open the ground for individuals to share in dance something that is in their heart.
After a pause, one by one, we respond with our own dance from our felt sense, and after another pause, we may respond as a group.
To close we may dance with each other with scarves, acknowledging in this way the sacredness of what we have created in our circle.
You are welcome just as you are, whether standing or sitting, or in repose, whether you think of yourself as a dancer or not, whether you are new to focusing or have practiced focusing for a long time.
May you find solace, inspiration, comfort, may you be safe, may you be well. ”   –– Notes adapted with appreciation to Anne G who inspired the monthly series on Feldenkrais®, Focusing and Dance at Corona Plaza Life
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