
A Sounder World with a Sounder Sleep System™ (Tuesdays)

September 14, 2021 5:00 pm


Become familiar with the neurophysiology and anthropology of sleep and activity/rest cycles
Benefit from PolyVagal perspectives

Learn practical tools inspired by the Feldenkrais Method® of somatic education

Practice the four components of the Sounder Sleep System™

  • Guided Natural Breathing™
    • Restore your breathing to its natural state: light, easy, slow and soft.
  • Sleep Yoga™
    • Let easy gentle movements. naturally follow the rhythm of your leisurely  breath.
  • DayTamers™
    • Practice by day to allow your nervous system to rest and restore itself.
    • Learn to  work more productively and set the stage for the end of the day when Mini-Moves lull you into sleep.
  • 4) Mini-Moves™ / NightTamers™
    • Practice short movement sequences, tailored to your ever-changing metabolic needs to  relax your body,  calm your mind, and  lull you to sleep.
    • Practice short movement sequences, tailored to your ever-changing metabolic needs to  relax your body,  calm your mind, and  lull you to sleep.
Halm, K. (2020). PolyVagal ~ Adapting to social distancing ~ Developing relational intricacies
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