Latest posts by Syed Wajid

What do a landfill in Pakistan and a potato packing plant in Idaho have in common?

August 6, 2020
by Anna Willman , Syed Wajid

Lessons from the Virus #1 Cross-cultural conversations on a global platform highlight not only different perspectives, but also common themes. One theme that has come up in our Building Toward a Better World conversations has been an awareness that bigger is not always better. Large bureaucracies, whether private corporations or […]


July 20, 2020
by Syed Wajid

I am sitting in the center of the room on a rickety old chair, with my feet on an equally rickety table. Trying to comfort myself, but at the same time resisting to move. I’m afraid of falling and also afraid if these supports get damaged. How am I going […]
